


Zoopigi is located within the geographical region of "Pitsilia" 24 kilometers north of Limassol district. It is built at an average altitude of 885 meters. The rough, mountainous landscape of the region, fragmented by the tributaries of the Germasogeia and Limnatis (Xylourikos) rivers, the narrow and deep valleys, and the steep slope of the surrounding mountains provide picturesque views.

The village receives an annual rainfall of about 670 millimeters; vines of wine-making varieties (Xynisteri -type of white grape -local dark and "ofthamlon" -type of dark colored grapes), olive and almond trees, vegetables, and fruit-trees are cultivated in the region. Since ancient times, the sweet Cypriot wine (Nama) is being produced out of the "Xynisteri" and the local dark varieties, which later on -during the era of the Crusades -was named Commandaria. Zoopigi is included in the plan for the uniform agrarian development of Pitsilia and has benefited by the construction of land reclamation projects and the improvement of rural streets.