Merchant Shipping History Istitute



The purpose of the Institute is the research and study of the Greek Merchant Shipping, the collection and preservation of Historical objects, and to attract young people to the profession of sailor. 
The story of the Merchant Marine Museum  begins in 1982, when the former minister Melina Merkouri had the idea to organize a meeting on Hydra island, of people serving arts and culture from all the Mediterranean countries. Her visit to the Naval School of Hydra, gave a small group of Coast Police officers, the idea of founding a museum for the merchant shipping. The dream of the people involved came true in 2007, when finally space for housing and operation was found. 
The exhibits consist of unique ship models (from ancient times until today), nautical instruments, paintings, lithographs, paintings, historical artifacts, etc. In the museum, the visitor can ‘’travel’’, through time and experience the full range of development of  the merchant shipping, through  various exhibits.

The Exhibition of the Institute is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 pm and the admission is free.